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About Us

Food, hope & hugs

Since 2020

There is always something on the shelves here at the Foodshare. Whilst we make a point to meet and get to know as many people as possible, there are no pre-requisites or referrals needed.
We welcome everyone.

His Story

The history of Foodshare is His Story.

It is a story of listening to Jesus, a story of stopping for the one in need, and a story of God’s miraculous provision.

In the spring of 2020, as the government took the decision to close schools and all non-essential businesses, the Holy Spirit spoke a word to us. He told us to cross the road to the Co-op store and ask the manager for the food they were throwing away.

When I crossed the road to ask this question, the manager was standing right in the doorway and she answered that yes, they were throwing away huge bags of food every night! At our request people donated fridges for our outbuilding, and we started to collect and sort fresh food every evening.

Our Mission

We host a food bank and help people who are struggling with poverty and addictions. Our focus is on the people we meet, each one of whom we get to know. The love of Jesus compels us to stop for each one and share not just food, but also encouragement, wisdom and love.

Our Vision

Our vision is to stock our fridges and freezers over and over again with food, sharing with anyone in need. It’s also our goal to host a drop-in cafe a few times a week, where we can sit down with people to listen to them and support them.

Over 60 different people came to us during that first year, between the summer of 2020 and the summer of 2021, whilst Covid spread and mutated and the government opened the country up and then shut it back down again. We carried on sharing food and praying for people. Some came every week, others less regularly, and others we dropped food to. We shared over £7000 worth of food in that year, and there were many miracles!

Sharing miracles.

Plates, pans & toasters

We started to note down what people needed replacing in their homes and kitchens, because at the right moment a kind stranger would get in touch and offer the contents of their kitchen.

Birthday cakes

Whenever a Foodshare friend had a child’s birthday coming up, God would make sure there was an expensive birthday cake in the bag the night before, along with cocktail sausages and cupcakes.

Miraculous provision

Just at the point when we were running out of freezer space, a local businessman contacted us and bought us a brand new freezer.

Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

– Matthew 14:16

Help us to share even more.

We love to pass on donations of food, smartphones and appliances. You can make a one-off cash donation or give regularly, via our Crowdfunder. We've also got some smart merch to raise funds!